Never win first place, I don't support the team. I can't take direction, and my socks are never clean. Teachers dated me, my parents hated me. I was always in a fight cause I can't do nothin' right. EVERYDAY I FIHT A WAR AGAINST THE MIRROR, I CAN'T STAND THE PERSON STARING BACK AT ME. I'm a hazard to myself. Don't let me get me, I'm my own worst enemy. Its bad when you annoy yourself. So irritating. Don't wanna be my friend no more. I wanna be somebody else. LA told me, "You'll be a pop star, All you have to change is everything you are." Tired of being compared to damn Britney Spears. She's so pretty, that just ain't me. Doctor, doctor won't you please prescribe somethin; a day in the life of someone else?, cause i'm a hazard to myself.
4 comentarios:
Igual la primera vez que escuche esa cancion dije: SOY YO. HAZARD TO MYSELF.
Pero bue, creo qe todo el mundo tiene una parte qe es daninia u.u
amo pink <3
Lo leo y pienso, pobre mina...
Pero... a vos te pasa algo che?
no me voy más, soy blogoholic (o blogadict, como prefieras), el otro día me di cuenta de que la abstinencia me estaba matando.
I´m a hazard to myself. Aveces(no siempre) me siento identificada con esa parte de la cancion! Es medio bajon sentirse asi, pero ta.
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